About 70% of the population in Tamil Nadu state currently lives in rural areas and whilethestatehasmadesignificant strides in improving primary education, school drop outs are a concerningovernmentsecondaryandhigh schools across the state.
Kalanjiyam works with 13 Panchayat Union Schools tostrengthen thequalityofeducation throughcommunity driven process that actively engages key communitystakeholders suchasPanchayatelectedleaders, School officials, local administrative officers, parents and others.To providesupporttothelocal Panchayat schools and provide an all rounded education the following programshavebeenimplemented
Kalanjiyam programs focus on building a strong foundation during the primary educationyearsbyinstillinginchildren an interest to learn, making families understand the importance ofeducationandsupportinglocaleducation institutions for imparting quality education.
Prevent school dropouts
It is our goal in the next five years to ensure that all children in our adoptedvillagescompletehighersecondaryeducation.
A door to door assessment is conducted at the beginning of eachyear toidentifyeligiblechildrenand enroll them in school. We then work with primary schools to ensure thatthechildrenenrolled,stay inschool to complete primary school education. We then work with parents, andprimaryschoolstoenroll them inhigher secondary school. A free school van service is providedformiddleschoolchildren. Parents areactively engaged in their children’s education, so they canencourage theirchildrenandsupport them to complete high school and progress to collegeeducation.
Healthy school environment where learning can happen
Every primary school is provided with tables, benches and mats for seating. Fans, lightingandotherfacilitiesareprovided in class rooms. We provide note books, uniforms, school bags for schoolchildrenandalso pay feesforchildren from poor families. School ID cards with photo are issued toall students inadoptedschools,withinformation that includes their blood group.
Support local school staff
Our field staff that belong to the local village is placed at each school to help the HeadMaster,teachersandourvillage committee members with planning and improving the environment andquality ofeducation. Wehavealsoprovided facilities like drinking water and functioning toiletswith help from our partnersforconvenienceofstudents and teachers.
Educational Aid
Scholarships are given to students who secure over 80% marks in 10th standard boardexams.Specialclassesareorganized and supplemental nutrition provided to children in local high schools atthetime ofpreparationfor10th standard board exam every year.
Education aid is provided to students from needyfamiliesforcompletingschooling and pursuinghigher education, college or other professional courses.
Promote extracurricular activities
In addition to regular school work we support development of extracurricular like music, drawing(art)andyogatonurture creativity in children. and organize sports activities and physicaleducation for children.Wehavealsoequipped schools with computers and provide computer educationfree of cost for all classes.
Provide basic Health care
Medical and dental camps are setup annually with free health checkups. Basic healthcare/firstaidkitsareprovided to local health sub centers and local schools. Health cards have beenissuedto childrenin6schools (for about 300 children) to get medical care from a health carepractitioner in local townfree ofcost.